A Vanity Website

New Website

Welcome to my new website. This is actually my sixth website counting all redo's and redesigns. The big upgrade here is that everything you see here is run off of a new content management system I wrote using ASP.NET Core. I used SQLite for development and it made things so easy that I continue to stick with it. The last piece of the technology puzzle here is that I stick everything in a Docker container and deploy it via AWS. This means I have little to no configuration to do in terms of getting the Operating System up and running and having all the dependencies, packages and utilities I need to run this site. It's a very convenient and powerful tool.

Getting this site and running was not without its casualties however. I forgot that all my Ludum Dare games were running off of my old website since the LD website does not actually host games. Those have all been fixed and you can easily access all my games right here on I also updated my resume and all of its formats.

I may expand a bit on how all of this is working, but right now I'm just happy to have everything up and running given the amount of new technologies I brought into the mix here.