A Vanity Website

Sometimes the Simplest Solution is the Right Solution

I like to do development work on both MAC and PC, mostly because my laptop runs windows and my desktop is an iMac. I've always had a minor problem that crops up now and then: bookmarks being spread across machines, browsers and even the cloud. In addition to local browser bookmarks I also back up my bookmarks from time to time and even have some important ones associated with my Google account via Google Bookmarks. I've tried both delicious as well as xmarks but found either their services lacking and needing certain extensions for certain browsers can be a bit of a pain. So imagine my surprise when I saw this today when logging into Google Bookmarks ...

It was a bookmarklet, or a bookmarked location with some javascript telling it to open the URL in a smaller window as well as the current URL passed as a reference. In short this gives me full functionality to either quickly add a page to my Google Bookmarks, or access all of my Google Bookmarks with a simple click on the link of a newly opened window. So basically I've got quick and easy access to a global set of bookmarks on any browser I can log into my google account from. No synchronization to run or browser extensions to install, just a one-time click and drag is all I needed!