The one line of CSS you need to support new HTML5 elements
2013-06-30 by Brady Prigge
One quick and easy line of CSS to be able to use HTML5 page elements on any browser
Ajax Level 2 Experiment Added
2013-06-16 by Brady Prigge
Added a quick and dirty exploration of the Ajax Level 2 HTML5 spec. Check it our
here .
Welcome to the Syntonic Studios website!
2013-05-30 by Brady Prigge
This site has been up for a while, but as of May 16th 2013 it is now built on top of MVC 4 and is fully data driven. And as of May 30th 2013 just about all the features are up and running as well.
Using Twitter Bootstrap the RIGHT way
2013-05-17 by Brady Prigge
Embedding bootstrap classes into your html is great for quickly starting up, but
this is how to do it right !
Announcing my entry into Ludum Dare 26
2013-04-17 by Brady Prigge
Will be attempting my first LD game this weekend. I have only developed one game before this and it took me one month to get to Phase 1 – yikes!