I like to easily launch stuff with just a few keystrokes in PowerShell, so when I did a Google search on ‘How to Launch Metro Apps from PowerShell’, I was a little surprised to see the first result tell me that doing so was not possible. After some more time spent researching however, I found out that this was not the case.
I plan on making a full post about VirtualBox and the state of Linux at some point in the future, but first I'd like to throw something out there in case someone comes across this while searching for help.
I wrote a long post on how I view the current state of the Rich Web Application platform, Flex - formerly developed by Adobe and now adopted by the open source Apache Foundation.
I participated in Ludum Dare 27 last weekend. Instead of Flash I went ahead with Game Maker Studio, which is often derided among "real" game developers, but I like for the speed I can get things up and running.